Self-Realization Fellowship Phoenix Temple
Self-Realization Fellowship Phoenix Temple
6111 North Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85012-1232
Telephone: (602) 279-6140
  • Meditation Sunday at 9 am
  • Inspirational Service Sunday at 10 am
  • Meditation Sunday at 6:00 pm
  • Meditation Friday at 7:00 pm
Temple grounds open from 9 am - 5 pm every day except Monday
This Temple is a branch of Self-Realization Fellowship, founded by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1920 to disseminate the scientific method of Kriya Yoga Meditation.
The Phoenix Temple regularly conducts public lecture services on Sundays at 10 am. We offer a number of public lectures and classes, all of which are free of charge and open to the public. We hope you will join us!
For more information about Self-Realization Fellowship and our teachings, please visit our main website by selecting the link below.
Self-Realization Fellowship
New to Us?
If you want to know more about Self-Realization Fellowship and the Kriya Yoga meditation techniques, the best introduction is to read Autobiography of a Yogi , published in 1946 by Paramahansa Yogananda.
One of the goals of the Self-Realization Fellowship teachings is to reveal the complete harmony and basic oneness of original Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ and original Yoga as taught by Bhagavan Krishna; and to show that these principles of truth are the common scientific foundation of all true religions. If you want know to more about the Aims and Ideals of Self-Realization Fellowship, please select the link below.
Aims and Ideals
SRF Lessons
You may also want to sign up for the Self-Realizations Lessons. The Lessons give Paramahansa Yogananda's step-by-step instructions in the yoga techniques of meditation, concentration, and energization that he taught, including Kriya Yoga. For more information, please select the link below.
SRF Lessons
Prayer Requests
Prayer is the one of the easiest and most powerful ways to serve. You can practice it anytime and anywhere. Our Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, encouraged us to pray regularly for others and the world; and he started the World-Wide Prayer Circle as a means of facilitating this. Please note what he had to say about prayerful service in this booklet.
To request prayers from the SRF World Wide Prayer Circle anonymously, where monks, nuns and SRF members pray twice a day and practice Master's healing techniques for all the people who have requested prayers, click the link below. Your name will remain there for 90 days.
Mother Center Prayer Request
Suggestion Box
We welcome any suggestions you may have to make improvements at the Phoenix Temple. Suggestions can be on any topic that may be of interest to you.
Submit your Suggestions
" The Lord responds to all and works for all. Seldom do men realize how often God heeds their prayers. He is not partial to a few, but listens to anyone who approaches Him trustfully.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
If you would like to receive a monthly newsletter, event notices, schedule changes, and special announcements by e-mail, please leave your e-mail address in the above box and click on 'Submit'.
Ministerial Services
If you would like to write directly to the ministers, arrange a counseling appointment, request a wedding, memorial, or christening, you may contact us directly by using these links:
Email to Brother Devananda
Email to Brother Naradananda
Introductory Lecture & Tea
October 13
On Sunday, October 13 we will have a special introductory service. Learn more about meditation techniques to calm your mind, from the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.  This includes the SRF Lessons, Kriya Yoga, and other resources offered by Self-Realization Fellowship. This is a great opportunity to invite friends who are interested in learning about meditation.
There will be a welcome tea after the service where ministers will be available to answer questions. There will also be someone from the Sunday School available to answer questions from parents and how to share spiritual teachings with children. We will also have representatives from our Young Adults and Seniors group available. Flyers with more details can be found on the free literature tables as you exit the Temple.
6-Hour Meditation With Kirtan
October 19
On Saturday, October 19 there will be a 6-hour meditation. We begin at 8 am with group Energization Exercises followed by meditation from 8:20 am until 2 pm. We will have a half-hour break at 11:00 am. Please join us for all or part of this meditation service. You may enter the Temple during the periods of chanting at the beginning of each hour.
Healing Service
October 20
There will be a healing service on Sunday, October 20 at 11:20 am in the Temple. The service will last approximately 20 minutes and will include meditation and prayer for those in need of healing. Everyone is welcome.
Halloween Social
October 26
The Phoenix Temple Sunday School and Teen Group invite everyone to a Halloween Social on Saturday, October 26 from 5:30-8:00 pm. The evening will begin with an organized potluck dinner followed by an appearance of the Fairy Queen, a haunted mansion by the Teen Group, and a visit from a magician. Volunteers will be needed. Please stop by the Volunteer's Table on Sundays after the morning services for more information.
Volunteer Signup Sheet  
"Every person needs a retreat, 'a dynamo of silence' where he may go for the exclusive purpose of being newly recharged by the Infinite."
- Paramahansa Yogananda
The Phoenix Temple's Bookroom contains publications from Self-Realization International Headquarters at Mount Washington, including books, magazines, audio and video recordings, photographs and devotional items. Our Bookroom is open after the Sunday service.  The Bookroom is located along the walkway to the parking lot.

Sunday: 11:00 am to 11:30 am

Lending Library 
Please visit our Lending Library located next to the Bookroom along the walkway to the parking lot where you will find Self-Realization Fellowship publications, recordings and children’s books. The Library is open after the Sunday service from 11-11:45 am.  The Book Return is located on the east side of the Fellowship Hall next to the entrance.

Sunday: 11:00 am to 11:45 am

Retreats in Southern California
Self-Realization Fellowship's How-to-Live Retreat programs in Southern California are open to Self-Realization Fellowship members and friends seeking spiritual renewal and who desires to leave behind the pressures of everyday life - if only for a few days - to deepen their awareness of the Divine. The daily Retreat programs provide, in the words of Paramahansa Yogananda, "a dynamo of silence where [you] may go for the exclusive purpose of being recharged by the Infinite."
For more information, click on Groups, and then 'California Retreats" from the main menu.
California Retreats 

More Writings

Adults 40+ Group
October 6
Our monthly Adults 40+ spiritual introspection and discussion group will be on Sunday, October 6 at 11:15 am in the Fellowship Hall. All adults (ages 40+) are invited to join in this hour of fellowship and discussion.
Young Adults Group
October 13
The Young Adults Group will meet on Sunday, October 13 at 11:10 am in the Fellowship Hall. All young adults (ages 18-39) are invited to join in this hour of fellowship and discussion.
Seniors Group
October 20
The Seniors Group will meet on Sunday, October 20 at 11:15 am in the Fellowship Hall. All seniors (ages 65 and over) are invited to join in this hour of fellowship and discussion.
Bhagavad Gita Study Group
Wednesday Mornings
A study group for "God Talks With Arjuna" meets every Wednesday from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm in the Little Chapel. Everyone interested in Paramahansa Yogananda's commentary on the Bhagavad Gita is welcome. Please bring Volume I to the study group.
Online Conducted
Meditations and Classes
Streaming from Mother Center
Mother Center offers a wonderful selection of online meditations and study groups.  Many online meditations are streamed live every day.  
Online Meditation Center  
SRF Member Portal
Access your SRF Lessons and
Auxiliary Materials
Access your online member services, such as your SRF Lessons subscription, Full Lessons, and
Auxiliary Materials including written materials, insightful audio and video material.  
SRF Member Portal  

Phoenix Temple Recent Events
Check out our Recent Events section.  The Phoenix Temple is pleased to present our recent events in photos, videos and slideshows.  Also check out the archives. Enjoy!
Recent Events 
50th Anniversary Event Videos
We are pleased to announce that videos from the Temple's 50th Anniversary event are now available on the website.  You can view these videos by clicking on the Recent Events Photos and Videos section.
Recent Events Photos and Videos  
Listen Assist System
The Temple is now able to offer a “Listen Assist System” for those with hearing difficulties.  If you would like to use one of these devices, please plan to arrive about 10 minutes before the service begins to allow time to check out the device and receive instructions for use.  Any of the ushers or greeters will be able to direct you to the person handling the check out.  
More Information
Monthly Calendar