Temple Beautiful Suggestions
We welcome your suggestions...
The Temple Beautiful Committee welcomes your ideas for improving the beauty and
upkeep of our temple grounds and buildings, and also for improving the operational
efficiency of service related activities and projects. Your ideas will help make
our Temple a sanctuary of peace, harmony and beauty for all who come.
Day Of Service - Opportunities to Serve
One of the best ways to meet others and to serve the work of Self-Realization
Fellowship in Phoenix is to come to the monthly Day of Service. This is a day set
aside for the purpose of cleaning the grounds, maintenance, gardening, repairing and
refurbishing the temple premises. This in turn reflects our Guru's wishes to have a vibrant
beautiful place where people may come and learn about his teachings. Everyone is
welcome to attend our Day of Service. Please see our Monthly Calendar for dates and times.
Please fill out this form as completely as possible.
(Name and email address are optional.)