Phoenix Temple Young Adults Group
About the Young Adults Group
The SRF Phoenix Young Adults Group are disciples and friends ages 18-39, who
encourage the understanding of Paramahansa Yogananda's Self Realization fellowship teachings. Our
mission is to create opportunities for SRF Young Adults to connect and support each other as we roll out
activities to strengthen spiritual habits and high moral values, increase social networks, promote healthy
living, and provide support through the guidance of monastics and lay mentors. Our special activities
include regular spiritual gatherings, satsanga, meditation, fellowship, service, retreats and special

Young Adults Activities
In addition to the activities listed here, there are outings and other fellowship events for young adults
in addition to those sponsored by the SRF Phoenix Temple.

Young Adults Meetings
Our Young Adults Group meets once a month on Sunday after the temple service, from 11:10 A.M. until noon
in the Little Chapel. See online monthly calendar for schedule.
For up to date information on the Young Adult Group activities at the Phoenix Temple, please join our mailing list and fill in your profile.
For up to date information on the Young Adult Group activities at the Phoenix Temple, please join our mailing list and fill in your profile.
2022 Young Adults Calendar of Events
January 9 | Young Adults Meeting |
February 13 | Young Adults Meeting |
March 13 | Young Adults Meeting |
April 10 | Young Adults Meeting |
May 8 | Young Adults Meeting |
June 12 | Young Adults Meeting |
July 10 | Young Adults Meeting |
August 14 | Young Adults Meeting |
September 11 | Young Adults Meeting |
October 9 | Young Adults Meeting |
November 13 | Young Adults Meeting |
December 11 | Young Adults Meeting |